RDF Metadata
Identifier: https://gis.boem.gov/arcgis/rest/services/BOEM_BSEE/USGS_BOEM_PACSEA_SEABIRD_DENSITY/MapServer/0
title: USGS_BOEM_PACSEA_SEABIRD_DENSITY/USGS PaCSEA Seabird Density 7km-original
Description: Original Polygon layer showing actual final transect locations for each year and season. Each polygon shows the number of birds counted for each species within the transect divided by the bin area which gives an average density of birds for the transect bin.
Abstract: Original Polygon layer showing actual final transect locations for each year and season. Each polygon shows the number of birds counted for each species within the transect divided by the bin area which gives an average density of birds for the transect bin.
References: https://gis.boem.gov/arcgis/rest/services/BOEM_BSEE/USGS_BOEM_PACSEA_SEABIRD_DENSITY/MapServer/0
Bounding Box:
Lower Corner: -128.249030 39.001606
Upper Corner: -121.299417 47.342569