Haz_GeneralMap/Fault Lines

RDF Metadata

Identifier: https://navigator.state.or.us/arcgis/rest/services/Framework/Haz_GeneralMap/MapServer/0
title: Haz_GeneralMap/Fault Lines
Description: This dataset represents structural faults (at the scale of original mapping) and descriptive data and shows the location and type of faults in the state of Oregon. Oregon Geologic Data Compilation - 2009
Abstract: This dataset represents structural faults (at the scale of original mapping) and descriptive data and shows the location and type of faults in the state of Oregon. Oregon Geologic Data Compilation - 2009
References: https://navigator.state.or.us/arcgis/rest/services/Framework/Haz_GeneralMap/MapServer/0
Bounding Box:
Lower Corner: -124.507760 41.926878
Upper Corner: -116.426246 46.167456