Haz_GeneralMap/Tsunami Regulatory Line 2014

RDF Metadata

Identifier: https://navigator.state.or.us/arcgis/rest/services/Framework/Haz_GeneralMap/MapServer/1
title: Haz_GeneralMap/Tsunami Regulatory Line 2014
Description: This feature class is a vector line feature representing the SB 379 tsunami regulatory line created in 1995 for the entire Oregon coast. This file is for GIS purposes only. This publication is supplemental to DOGAMI Open File Report O-00-05, Digital reissue of tsunami hazard maps of coastal quadrangles orginally mandated by Senate Bill 379 (1995) by George Priest, 2000.
Abstract: This feature class is a vector line feature representing the SB 379 tsunami regulatory line created in 1995 for the entire Oregon coast. This file is for GIS purposes only. This publication is supplemental to DOGAMI Open File Report O-00-05, Digital reissue of tsunami hazard maps of coastal quadrangles orginally mandated by Senate Bill 379 (1995) by George Priest, 2000.
References: https://navigator.state.or.us/arcgis/rest/services/Framework/Haz_GeneralMap/MapServer/1
Bounding Box:
Lower Corner: -124.509782 41.988679
Upper Corner: -123.501402 46.237054